Frequently Asked Questions
Respiratory Physiotherapy is an area of Physiotherapy that not many people know about, and I'm often asked questions about the treatments I provide, and how appointments work.

Therefore, I've provided a selection of frequently asked questions below which outline what I do and how I do it in more detail. If you have a question that isn’t listed below please do contact me so we can chat more about it.

How long is an initial assessment?
It will take roughly about 50 minutes to complete.
How many treatment sessions will I need?
This can be a difficult question to answer and once you have completed the initial assessment I will have a better idea. However depending on why you are coming to see me I will be able to give you a rough estimate once we have had a chat. But remember ultimately you are in control of the total number of sessions.
How frequent will my sessions be?
This can be hard to tell until you have been seen but usually you will be reviewed 1-2 weeks after you initial appointment. The appointments then tend to be a bit more spaced out after this. If you are attending for exercise depending on which package you go for you may be seen weekly. All of this will be discussed and agreed with you.
Why does an exercise session cost more?
These appointments tend to be a little longer than a regular follow up.
What is the difference between a virtual appointment and a face to face appointment?
Face to face appointment means that I can get hands on and see exactly what is going on. This is not to say that I can’t do this with a virtual appointment but if there is something subtle going on it will be harder to see and if you decide to go down the virtual route and things aren’t going as expected I may ask you to come and see me in person.

If you are someone who suffers with fatigue the virtual option makes it easier for you to manage your energy levels and I may recommend you use this option.
I can’t get to clinic and don’t want to do virtual, can you come and see me at home?
Home visits are available on request but if I need to travel quite a distance to see you, you may need to pay for my travel.
What should I wear?
Whatever you feel the most comfortable in. You may be asked perform an exercise test and I may need to ask you to take your top off so I can take a closer look and listen to your breathing.
I still don’t know if respiratory physio is for me?
Simple…. Please just drop me and email or give me a call.

Mrs Lucy P.

Helene carefully designed a targeted exercise routine for me, taking into account my long term health conditions. She was both encouraging and inspiring and my breathing and mobility has improved significantly, as well as my sense of achievement and well being

Mrs Jenny H.

With Helene’s help I progressed from being unable to run up the stairs to winning gold at the British Masters half marathon championships! Since the initial course of treatment sessions I’ve seen Helene every couple of months to make sure I keep on the right track, and I haven’t had any further problems. I highly recommend Helene.

Mr Steve P.

After my first session with Helene I found my breathing was easier, and I became a lot calmer as a result. The tools she gave me to help regulate my own breathing I use every day. Highly recommended.

Mrs Sarah T.

I have seen Helene regularly over the past 12 months for management of a breathing pattern disorder. Helene quickly identified that I had quite a complex presentation, and I really felt like she treated me as an individual and planned our treatment sessions accordingly, rather than just following a generic process. This made for a very positive experience, and I am very grateful to Helene for the care and kindness she showed me, as well as her considerable expertise.

Mr Tom L.

Following a recommendation I visited Helene to help with the symptoms of Long-Covid. Following my sessions with her, my breathing has become a lot easier which has made things much easier to manage. I would recommend that anyone who is suffering from Long Covid spends time with Helene.